Wildfires Resources for California, Oregon, and Washington




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California Resources
Oregon Resources
Washington Resources

Wildfires continue to rage across the west, particularly in California, Oregon, and Washington. To date, the fires have been responsible for the deaths of at least 34 people, destroyed thousands of homes and structures, and covered an area roughly the size of the state of New Jersey.

Apple wildfire in California
Massive California Apple Fire forcing thousands of people to evacuate their homes.

To help those who are affected, we’ve compiled a number of links below for wildfires resources and information that we hope will be helpful.

According to news reports, over 3.3 million acres have burned in California causing at least 25 deaths, and the destruction of more than 4,200 structures. Over 1 million acres have burned in Oregon, with 8 deaths and 1,145 homes/structures destroyed. In Washington, fires have burned over 800,000 acres, and 418 structures have been destroyed including 195 homes. According to CalFire, more than 17,000 firefighters are fighting 25 wildfires.

The Los Angeles Times recently reported that record-breaking wildfires are occurring with much greater frequency and that fires in the last 10 years have broken all historic wildfire records, with 2020 topping them all.  “Eight of the 10 largest fires in California history have burned in the past decade,” the LA Times article stated. “On Sept. 9, the massive August Complex became the largest fire in the state’s history.”

The article added that California’s fire season usually peaks in the Fall, with increased Santa Ana and Diablo winds, so the fires could potentially still get worse.

Call on us for support

At Juvare, we are actively supporting many clients responding to these historic fires and we recognize the monumental task that all federal, state, and local responders and emergency management agencies face as they fight these wildfires and their extreme efforts to protect the health and safety of people in surrounding communities.

We stand ready to serve all of our partners with any additional support you may need.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or reach out directly to your CSM for help with any Juvare solutions:

Call: 1-877- 771-0911

Email: [email protected]

Wildfires Resources

California Resources


CalFire – Twitter: https://twitter.com/CAL_FIRE?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Find open shelters – Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org/get-help/disaster-relief-and-recovery-services/find-an-open-shelter.html

Current Shelters: Governor’s Office of Emergency Services: https://wildfirerecovery.caloes.ca.gov/past-fires/november-2018-fires/shelters/

Road Closures/Traffic – Caltrans; California Dept. of Transportation: http://quickmap.dot.ca.gov/

Donate to help people affected by California wildfires: https://www.redcross.org/local/california/northern-california-coastal/about-us/our-work/wildfires-response.html

California Fire Map & Tracker – San Francisco Chronicle: https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/california-fire-map/

FEMA – California Disaster Assistance and Wildfires Information: https://www.fema.gov/locations/california


Oregon Resources


Oregon Wildfire Resources: https://wildfire.oregon.gov/

Oregon Fires and Hotspots Dashboard: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/6329d5e4e13748b9b9f7f33f06a3c376/

Real-time Assessment and Planning Tool for Oregon (RAPTOR) – Oregon Office of Emergency Management: https://www.oregon.gov/oem/emops/Pages/RAPTOR.aspx

Oregon Office of Emergency Management – Twitter: https://twitter.com/OregonOEM

Road Closures/Traffic – Oregon Dept. of Transportation: https://tripcheck.com/

Oregon Smoke Information – Fire & Air Quality Information: http://oregonsmoke.blogspot.com/

Oregon Resources for Business Owners/Employers – Covid-19 and Wildfires: https://www.oregon4biz.com/Coronavirus-Information/

Find open shelters: https://www.redcross.org/get-help/disaster-relief-and-recovery-services/find-an-open-shelter.html

University of Oregon – Fire Evacuations Zones Map, relative to UO campus: https://map.uoregon.edu/fire?utm_source=UOhomesite&utm_medium=resource-listing&utm_campaign=wildfires&utm_content=resource-listing

University of Oregon Wildfire Resources: https://www.uoregon.edu/wildfire

FEMA – Oregon Disaster Assistance and Wildfires Information: https://www.fema.gov/locations/oregon#block-views-block-disasters-block-2-2

Oregon Food Bank –  Wildfires Response Resources; Disaster Relief; Food Bank, Shelters: https://www.oregonfoodbank.org/find-help/wildfire-response-resources/

Help people affected by western wildfires: https://www.redcross.org/donate/western-wildfires-donations.html/?cid=fy21westernwildfires&med=cpc&source=google&scode=RSG00000E017&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp5W3oY7x6wIV1_7jBx1OfwR9EAAYASAAEgK4n_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Washington Resources


Information on Wildfires – Washington Department of Natural Resources (Maps, Partner Info Sources, Emergency Management agencies by county; National Forest and Park information): https://www.dnr.wa.gov/Wildfires

Washington Smoke Information – Map; Fire & Air Quality Information: https://wasmoke.blogspot.com/

Washington Wildfires and Hotspots map: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2ff1677111ae4018ac705fcce7c3312f&center=-13513286.8635%2C6108323.9035%2C102100&level=7

Washington Emergency Management – Twitter updates: https://twitter.com/waEMD

Washington Wildfires Resources – Office of the Governor: https://www.governor.wa.gov/news-media/washington-wildfire-resources


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or reach out directly to your CSM for help with any Juvare solutions:

Call: 1-877- 771-0911

Email: [email protected]


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