Top Three Health Preparedness Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss at the 2018 Preparedness Summit




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The 2018 Juvare Preparedness Summit is fast approaching. While your Summit experience will include presentations by world-class thought leaders, invaluable training opportunities, guru sessions with Juvare subject matter experts and fun social events, our Clients’ Share-a-Thon presentations always emerge as the true stars of Summit. I encourage you to make plans to attend the following sessions that feature real-life experiences and identify insightful best practices.

17 Days with Harvey: Using WebEOC to Coordinate 1,000+ Facilities

  • When: May 8, 2018 4:00 – 5:00 PM
  • Who: Lori Upton, Director of Preparedness and Operations, South East Texas Regional Advisory Council (SETRAC)
  • Why: As a leader of one of the nation’s largest healthcare coalitions that spans a large coastal area, Lori is no stranger to massive storm response operations. However, Hurricane Harvey served up some unique challenges. Join Lori as she provides a behind-the-scenes look at the SETRAC Medical Operations Center’s use of Juvare technologies during this devastating Category 4 storm, including the successful coordination of over 1,000 facilities spanning 25 counties.

Coordinating Mental Health Resources for First Attempt Success

  • When: May 9, 2018 1:00 – 2:00 PM
  • Who: Barrett Hanks, WebEOC Administrator, and Diana Chorn, Assistant Division Director of Administration, Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC)
  • Why: Faced with complicated and lengthy processes when detaining persons with mental health issues, area law enforcement turned to STRAC to help streamline the process, leading to the law Enforcement Project, a collaborative effort between law enforcement, mental health facilities, EMS and STRAC’s regional communication center. Diana and Barrett will share key components of their impressive solution that facilitates the rapid identification of available mental health services, significantly shortening the time required for law enforcement engagement.

Implementing eICS Across a Health System

  • When: May 10, 2018 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
  • Who: Pat Van Hunnik, Emergency Management and Safety Coordinator, University of Missouri Health System
  • Why: As the administrator of multiple Juvare solutions in the past, Pat has always demonstrated the extraordinary ability to engage key stakeholders and diverse end users, ensuring system adoption and supporting effective usage. Pat will share his insight on a large health system eICS implementation, including steps taken to gain administrative buy-in, develop training plans, manage the roll-out and support ongoing operations.

I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!


WebEOC Nexus

Juvare SaaS Solution.

WebEOC Election Boards

WebEOC is your comprehensive tool for ensuring a smooth and transparent election.


Integration with Juvare’s WebEOC empowers emergency managers.


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