Juvare® Announces Automation of Data from EMResource® to CDC’s NHSN

EMResource and JX Connector streamline data integration to provide hospital capacity and healthcare resource situational awareness, creating a common operating picture for public health, healthcare, and emergency management.   

ATLANTA, December 21, 2022Juvare, the leader in crisis and emergency management technology, today announced the successful automation of hospital bed capacity data from EMResource to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to support the shift in federal data collection responsibilities for data relating to COVID-19.

Throughout the pandemic, the national response to COVID-19 has leveraged data from EMResource to enable flexible data collection from hospitals and improved visibility at the state and federal levels. Data from EMResource is estimated to have been the single largest source of hospital data.

“Our ability to quickly help hospitals and public health stakeholders to maintain regional and state-wide situational awareness and respond to changing regulatory needs without adding additional burden to healthcare providers is unique,” said Robert “Bob” Watson, Juvare CEO. “States and healthcare coalitions rely on EMResource to maintain a common operating picture of healthcare resource capacity and availability, even in the absence of federal guidelines or mandates.”

“For over two decades, state and local public health departments and regional coalitions have used EMResource to ensure situational awareness of hospital resource capacity and availability,” said Sam Klietz, Chief Client Officer at Juvare. “Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, over 1,750 hospitals from thirteen states and the District of Columbia, as well as hundreds of long-term care facilities, have used EMResource daily to submit hospital capacity, supply, and resource data to meet HHS data requirements and make strategic decisions in the nation’s COVID-19 response.”

Juvare made several important updates to the EMResource platform throughout the pandemic, modernizing its user interface, supporting statewide API access for unprecedented data automation from hospitals, and launching the JX Connector integration platform to rapidly connect disparate data streams in support of digital modernization efforts across the public sector.

“Juvare’s JX Connector, an integration-as-a-service platform, was used to accelerate implementation of the EMResource-NHSN integration,” said Bryan Kaplan, Juvare Chief Information & Technology Officer. “This is just the beginning. As the need to connect various data streams increases, JX Connector is uniquely poised to assist public health stakeholders in responding to various threats and incidents.”

Juvare congratulates our clients on their successful transition to NHSN-based reporting. To learn more about EMResource, visit www.juvare.ca/emresource.

About Juvare

Juvare is a worldwide leader in crisis and emergency management software. Juvare solutions empower government agencies, corporations, healthcare facilities, academic institutions, and volunteer organizations to leverage real-time data to manage incidents faster and more efficiently, protecting people, property, and brands. For more information, visit www.juvare.ca.

Public Relations Contact

Akshay Birla
Juvare Chief Marketing Officer
[email protected]

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Juvare Staff

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