New Add-on Board in WebEOC Enables Coronavirus Monitoring and Tracking
Public concern about the coronavirus outbreak, or COVID-19, has reached an all-time high as the number of worldwide cases continues to grow exponentially with cases across the United States increasing quickly over the last week.
Now declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and a National Emergency in the U.S. by President Trump, concerns about coronavirus have affected nearly every facet of ordinary life today, with many high profile events being postponed, canceled, or severely altered including sports events – like NBA Basketball and the NCAA College Basketball Championship games, Major League Baseball, and The Masters golf tournament – as well as a number of concerts including C2C, festivals including SXSW, and worldwide conventions including HIMSS.
With the unprecedented changes to public events like these and others, officials hope to avoid close contact by the large numbers of people who would have attended, in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
U.S. public health officials and emergency managers have been working diligently to ensure they have the resources, tools, and solutions needed to be prepared and respond effectively to any incident related to the illness. The sheer enormity of this public health crisis has necessitated the ability to keep track of people, events, supply chains, and many other considerations – by not only public health agencies, but also hospital systems, emergency management agencies, corporations and businesses, schools and higher education institutions, etc.
To assist with this monumental task, Juvare announced the release of an Infectious Disease Community Impact Tracking add-on for the WebEOC platform, at no cost to clients.

The add-on, known as a ‘Board’ in WebEOC, was designed in close collaboration with clients to apply evolving best practices and was released to help our Emergency Management users – in Federal, State, Local, Healthcare, Higher Education, Transportation, and Corporate sectors – monitor, track, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Infectious Disease Community Impact Tracking board is available to current WebEOC users to assist with situational awareness, preparedness, and response, including:
- Tracking of facility statuses and events related to coronavirus
- Tracking of coronavirus cases in the U.S., showing the top 25 U.S. cities with coronavirus cases
- Pertinent airport and travel information updates
- Twitter monitoring of CDC, WHO, HHS, and CDC Emergency Information
- Up-to-date numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases, deaths, and recoveries
For an overview video on how the board can assist your organization’s preparedness and response activities, click here.
Current WebEOC subscribers can click here for a free download of the board.
All of us at Juvare are committed to assisting those on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, and supporting preparedness and effective response efforts.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.