Prepare. Connect. Respond.

Need a system that supports mission assurance and enhanced command & control?

WebEOC is a data integration solution that supports command and control, mission assurance, intelligent response and crisis management.

Organizations of all sizes use WebEOC’s uniquely customizable set of utilities for complete situational awareness in support of their daily operations and data integration needs.

See WebEOC 9 in Action

WebEOC Use Cases

Command & Control

WebEOC is the world’s most widely-used incident
preparedness software, designed from a deep
understanding of the needs of emergency managers and incident commanders.

EOC Coordination

All designated personnel are aware of the status
of any situation, entity, resource, or capability that needs tracked. Everyone knows what everyone else is doing and how it impacts them.

After Action Reviews

WebEOC provides timely tracking of all user recommendations for improvement and comments during an incident. It provides a concentrated source of feedback to generate an improvement plan to refine operational processes and can provide insight to address audit inquiries.

and Alerts

WebEOC Alert Plugin allows you to deliver messages via email, push notifications, and the control panel as well as through licensed pre-mium channels such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, and voice and text messages.

Board Building

DesignStudio is a state-of-the-art solution that leverages a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) editor with drag and drop functionality to aid board builders in efficiently creating modern boards.

Built for Any User,
Any Skill Level

An intuitive user interface and workflow make WebEOC quick and easy to train new users. Non-technical administrative users routinely create forms and processes and customize them to their organization’s needs.

Why WebEOC is the Industry Standard

Proven Track Record

Juvare’s DOD Team is lead by Patrick Macfarlane who has 20+ years working with myriad agencies within the DOD. He is assisted in his mission to bring the latest and most updated integration capabilities to the military by the Director of DOD Mission Assurance, Mike Messersmith. Mike has over 35 years experience in emergency operations within the USAF. In addition, the Director of DOD Mission Readiness, Carl Brown, served in the US Army and brings a wealth of knowledge in situational awareness methodologies.

Situational Awareness

In a crisis situation, the best decisions are made with a full understanding of events as they are happening. We deliver the dynamic workflows and real- time situational awareness required to maximize operational effec-tiveness for effective critical incident management, empowering real-time collaboration, and efficient tracking of data and resources.

Collaboration Across Sectors

Improve overall resiliency by promoting coordination with community stake-holders. Juvare clients are able to join the Juvare Exchange® community, a na-tionwide collaborative incident manage-ment network, connecting the public, private and healthcare sectors.

Expert-Designed Solutions

Juvare solutions are developed and designed with key decision makers in mind – with deep experience and understanding of what leaders need for effective and efficient operations. Juvare solutions are used by federal, state, and local agencies, as well as corporations, hospitals, and education-al institutions to manage emergencies, large- scale planned events, and daily operations.

Experience the Power of WebEOC 9